Chapter 04: - Original Version About Chapter 04 Title of Chapter 04: "The Father's Love" From Spiritual Book 03 - "Shaikh and Disciple" Author: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Go To: Review of Chapter 04 - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
- go to "Review of Chapter 04" Original Version - of Chapter 04
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Here are some Excerpts from Chapter 04, for you to read, if you like, while we are still working on adding a complete copy of chapter 04 to the on-line "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library" (
---- beginning of some Excerpts from Chapter 04 -----
"If your heart is closed, it will never be beautiful. If your heart is shut, neither the beauty nor the fragrance will be revealed. Only when the flower blossoms does the fragrance emanate. If your heart is closed, the bliss and the beauty will not be experienced. Only when your heart blooms will the fragrance of grace, the fragrance of wisdom, the fragrance of the soul and the fragrance of Allah's rahmat come forth. It is all there within your heart and when it blooms, its beauty and its fragrance will be revealed.
If the heart is open, all those who love this fragrance, all who can appreciated its scent will draw near the heart and say, "O this is beautiful. It has a wonderful fragrance." Those with wisdom will come and appreciate you. Those who can experience this fragrance will realize your beauty. Only when your heart has bloomed will others love you and come in search of that flower of the heart. They will smell that fragrance and recognize the love and beauty in your heart.
You must keep the flower of your heart safe. The heart is a flower garden. You must not think that this garden is somewhere outside of you. Some say that heaven is filled with beautiful springs, beautiful houses and gardens. But there is no place called heaven outside you. It is within.
All those houses, gardens, fruits and flowers, all the seventy thousand flower fragrances and the seventy thousand tastes of the fruits are within your heart. The river of milk, the river of honey and the river of ambrosia are all within your heart. This is the pure house. The heart is the kingdom of heaven, your father's kingdom. This is your prayer mat, your place of worship. This is the flower garden of your life.
Your qualities are the flowers and your actions are the fruits of that garden. Your duty, your love and your loving qualities are the seventy thousand tastes in that fruit. The duties and the actions that you do for God here in the world will become the houris that serve you there. The benefits you earn and what you seek in this world will be the house created for you there.
The prayers you perform, the duties you do, the charity and love you give, the unity you have and the lessons you learn are all equal to just one drop. But if you use that one drop and continue to do your duty and keep digging within, then the spring of Allah's grace and his qualities will flow in abundance. If you give Allah just one word, you will be able to hear so many of Allah's words of grace.
Even though each effort may equal just one drop, if you constantly search with one-pointedness, there will be a steady dripping which will loosen the soil and allow you to dig deeper. As you dig within, there will be a melting and a dissolving. many springs will open up within you.
But if you drip just one drop and think, "I did it! This is so much!" there can be no benefit. God gives abundantly. He does not say,' I am doing this.' You give only one tiny drop of prayer to him, but he gives in abundance. You should think about how much he gives, how he causes things to increase and multiply. You must forget the I. In all your prayers you must surrender and give all responsibility to Allah.
Think about this. Open your hearts and cultivate this garden. Establish the kingdom of Allah within your heart".
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End of "Original Version" of Spiritual Book 03 "Shaikh and Disciple" - Chapter 04 - "The Father's Love" ......................... Go To "Review of Chapter 04"
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